Assassin’s Creed Shadows legendary gear locations and how to upgrade

Where do you get legendary gear in Assassin’s Creed Shadows? You can gain access to powerful passive abilities with certain pieces of legendary gear, capable of drastically changing the way you approach combat. Legendary gear can be found inside legendary chests scattered throughout Japan, or earned through clearing content like quests and Projects in the Animus Hub.

If you want to find specific pieces of equipment, we’ve got you covered with our comprehensive Assassin’s Creed Shadows legendary gear location list. Here, we’ll show you where exactly you’ll find some of the best AC Shadows weapons, AC Shadows armor, AC Shadows Amulets, and Trinkets you can get your hands on, what each piece of equipment does, and how to upgrade your gear. Light spoiler warning.

Here are the Assassin’s Creed Shadows legendary gear locations:

Headgear (Naoe)

Peasant Hat+100% of an Adrenaline Chunk upon entering combatTakatsuki Castle Legendary Chest, Izumi Settsu
Tools Master MaskShuriken no longer break on hard impactAmagasaki Castle Legendary Chest, Izumi Settsu
Yurei-Walker Hood+2 Health Segments removed on Assassinations in shadowsYamazaki Castle Legendary Chest, Yamazaki, Yamashiro
Mamushi Snake Hood33% less Cooldown on Ally AbilitiesOmizo Castle Legendary Chest, Ado River Valley, Omi
Swift Shinobi HoodSlow down time when detectedKunimiyama Fort Legendary Chest, Mibuno Vale, Iga
Noh Masterstroke Mask+20% of an Adrenaline Chunk on Affliction BuildupKinokawa Valley Legendary Chest, Kinokawa Valley, Kii

Assassin's Creed Shadows Legendary gear locations: Naoe wearing a garment in mixed blues with tools hanging from it

Armor (Naoe)

Peasant ClothesAttacks have 3% chance to remove one Health Segment on hitOsaka Castle Legendary Chest, Izumi Settsu
Tools Master GearThrow a Kunai at the closest enemy after an AssassinationKatano Castle Legendary Chest, Izumi Settsu
Yurei-Walker RobesEnemies are less efficient at detecting soundShoryuji Castle Legendary Chest, Shoryuji, Yamashiro
Mamushi Snake RobesDead bodies release a poison cloud when investigatedNagahama Castle Legendary Chest, Omi
Legendary Onna-musha KosodeKnock down enemies by sliding into themUda Matsuyama Castle Legendary Chest, Uda Matsuyama, Yamato

Assassin's Creed Shadows Legendary gear locations: a small trinket hangs from the back of Naoe's belt

Trinkets (Naoe)

Amaterasu’s Blessing+10% damage per unused Ability slotClear the Old Kofun in Izumi Coast, Izumi Settsu
Otakemaru’s Battlecry+1% Health per Mastery Point in ShinobiKoriyama Camp Legendary Chest, Muggy Lands, Izumi Settsu
Graceful Crane+150% to Stats with no weapon equippedThe Shimmering Fields Legendary Chest, Omi
Dragonfly’s Cunning+15% to Stats with only a Katana equippedDefeat the corrupt Daikan, The Hoarder, during the quest ‘The Corrupt Daikan,’ Hogonji Temple, Omi
Minogame’s Protection+50% damage per empty Armor PieceMibuno Castle Legendary Chest, Mibuno Vale, Iga
Fluttering Moth+15% to Stats with only a Kusarigama equippedFour Devils Lair Legendary Chest, Nabari Wilds, Iga
Flight of the Ubagabi+1% Adrenaline Gain per Mastery Point in KusarigamaDefeat the kabukimono, Laughing Man, during the quest ‘The Kabukimono,’ Kanki Burned Fields, Harima
Soaring Tatsu+1% Armor Piercing per Mastery Point in TantoComplete the quest ‘The Godai Shinobi,’ The Shimmering Fields, Omi

Assassin's Creed Shadows Legendary gear locations: Yasuke wearing an opulent golden helmet

Headgear (Yasuke)

Protector’s HelmetDeal 50% damage to the attacker on ParryHanazono Castle Legendary Chest, Yamashiro
Elegant Samurai HatReduce damage taken by 5% per enemy in conflictYama Camp Legendary Chest, Takatori, Yamato
Master Archer HeadbandSlow down time on Headshots every 8 secondsKanegasaki Castle Legendary Chest, Sotomo Gate, Wakas
Destroyer Samurai Helmet+10% damage per 10% health missingDefeat the boss of the quest ‘Fighting for the Cause,’ Hibuse Fudo Temple, Kii

Assassin's Creed Shadows Legendary gear locations: Yasuke wearing a light body armor that showcases his musculature

Armor (Yasuke)

Protector’s ArmorCan Parry Unblockable attacksNijo Palace Legendary Chest, Yamashiro
Master Archer Outfit+200% damage with Ranged Weapons while out of combatTsuruga Castle Legendary Chest, Sotomo Gate, Wakasa
Samurai Daimyo Armor of Legend+75% damage but limit Health to 25%Kanki Castle Legendary Chest, Kanki Burned Fields, Harima
Destroyer Samurai ArmorReduce Impact from enemy attacksDefeat the boss of the quest ‘Fighting for the Cause,’ Hibuse Fudo Temple, Kii

Assassin's Creed Shadows Legendary gear locations: a small amulet sits below Yasuke's belt

Amulets (Yasuke)

Kitsune’s Trickery+1% Health per Mastery Point in SamuraiDefeat Takahashi Inoshichi of the Twisted Tree during the quest ‘Inside Help,’ Kyoto, Yamashiro
Amaterasu’s Blessing+10% damage per unused Ability slotReceived from the Shinto Priest during the quest ‘A Prayer for Omi,’ Shirahige Shrine, Omi
Heartseeker+15% to Stats with only a Kanabo equippedDefeat Marume Nagayoshi in a duel during the quest ‘Nobutsuna’s Students,’ Azuchi, Omi
Minogame’s Protection+50% damage per empty Armor pieceComplete the quest ‘The Corrupt Daikan’
Oni’s Fury+15% damage per non-Legendary Gear EquippedDefeat The Noble during the quest ‘Spring and Fall,’ Himeji Castle, Harima
Warrior’s Respite+1% Headshot Damage per Mastery Point in TeppoDefeat the boss during the quest ‘My Name is Yasuke,’ Obama, Wakasa
Scale of the Koi+1% Armor Piercing per Mastery Point in KanaboOnyu Pass Legendary Chest, Onyu Pass, Wakasa
Howl of the Dragon+2% Critical Damage per Mastery Point in Long KatanaDefeat the boss during the quest ‘A Promise,’ Kameyama Castle, Kameyama, Tamba
Masakado’s Vengeance+1% damage per unspent Mastery PointDefeat the boss during the quest ‘End of the Line,’ Takeda Castle, Takeda, Tamba


Assassin's Creed Shadows Legendary gear locations: Naoe unsheathing a katana from her back


Steel BlossomInstantly charge Posture attacks after a VaultDefeat The Fool during the quest ‘Lost Honor,’ Yamazaki Castle, Izumi Settsu
Masked DeathPosture attack remains charged after DodgeShimagahara Valley Legendary Chest, Otogi Pass, Iga
Yami no KageDeal 100% damage to the attacker on DeflectHiraiyama Fort Legendary Chest, The Warfields, Harima
SnakebiteInstantly charge Posture attacks after using a ToolDefeat The Fox during the quest ‘The Performer,’ Obama, Wakasa
Dragon’s EdgeCreate an area of effect on hit with Dodge AttacksDefeat The Two-Faced during the quest ‘Topple the Traitor,’ Shoryuji Castle, Shoryuji, Yamashiro

Assassin's Creed Shadows Legendary gear locations: Naoe holding a scythe-like kusarigama


Death Whisperer+200% damage on enemy collisionsDefeat The Wounded during the quest ‘Heads Will Roll,’ Amagasaki Castle, Izumi Settsu
FeatherstormInstantly charge Posture attacks when hitting multiple enemiesKashiwabara Fortress Legendary Chest, Ibu Highlands, Omi
Winds of WarPosture attacks on Dazed enemies break armorDefeat The Wise during the quest ‘Darkness Falls,’ Kofukuji Temple, Nara Heartland, Yamato

Assassin's Creed Shadows Legendary gear locations: Naoe with her arms crossed over, holding a tanto


Shinobi’s FuryWeakpoint attacks make enemies Vulnerable a second timeDefeat The Golden Teppo in the quest ‘Defensive Position,’ Osaka Castle, Izumi Settsu
Call of the Void+30% damage on Tagged enemiesDefeat the Godai of Void during the quest ‘The Godai Shinobi,’ Daikichiji Temple, Omi
Scarlet FateIncreased Impact with all attacksChasuriyama Kofun Legendary Chest, Chasuriyama, Tamba

Assassin's Creed Shadows Legendary gear locations: Yasuke unsheathing a long katana

Long Katana

Turquoise ZephyrSuccessful parries push nearby enemies backEagle’s Nest Legendary Chest, Yamashiro
Myth SlayerCombo Enders are Postured and make enemies VulnerableDefeat The Mourner in the quest ‘The Wheel Unmasked,’ Hogonji Temple, Omi

Assassin's Creed Shadows Legendary gear locations: Yasuke wielding a large, sharp naginata


Sage’s ReachStack +10% damage on next hit with each blockDefeat The Naginata during the quest ‘Showdown in Sakamoto,’ Sakamoto Castle, Omi
Time-Honored CrescentFirst strike makes enemies Vulnerable every eight secondsKashiwabara Fortress Legendary Chest, Ibu Highlands, Omi
Celestial BladeBlocking automatically parries incoming regular attacksDefeat Yuki no Kata in a duel during the quest ‘Nobtsuna’s Students,’ Kakogawa Estuary, Harima

Assassin's Creed Shadows Legendary gear locations: Yasuke wielding a hefty, studded Kanabo


Daybreak’s FuryBreaking Armor spreads shrapnel dealing 100% damageDefeat The Ox during the quest ‘Broken Horn,’ Miki Castle, Harima
Boulder FallAttacks cannot be interruptedDefeat the Katsuragi agent during the quest ‘Kurai Eikyou,’ Katsuragi, Yamato

Assassin's Creed Shadows Legendary gear locations: Yasuke displaying a gun-like teppo


Patient HarbingerChamber two bullets instead of oneAdo River Valley Legendary Chest, Ado River Valley, Omi
Hero’s MessageBullets ricochet to nearby enemiesHikidan-jo Ruins Legendary Chest, Lake Suigetsu, Wakasa

Assassin's Creed Shadows Legendary gear locations: Yasuke holding out a large bow


Last BreathSpecial Ammo instantly triggers its affliction on a HeadshotComplete the quest ‘Requiem for Rokkaku,’ Sakamoto Tower, Omi
Funeral PyreRetreating Shot pushes enemies backInariyama Garrison, Mount Kasagata, Harima

And those are all the Assassin’s Creed Shadows Legendary gear locations we’ve found so far. We’ll continue to update this guide as we gradually uncover all the hidden gems the game has to offer.

Assassin's Creed Shadows gear upgrade: Naoe unsheathing her katana while it's being upgraded

How to upgrade gear in Assassin’s Creed Shadows

There are two ways to upgrade your gear in Assassin’s Creed Shadows: leveling it up, or by having the blacksmith at your Hideout engrave it with a bonus perk.

In AC Shadows, gear is scaled to Naoe and Yasuke’s current level. This is handy at first, but as you continue to grow stronger, the power of your favored equipment quickly falls behind the curve. To remedy this, you can use the AC Shadows resources you gather to upgrade them to your current level, improving their stats.

Unfortunately, this is a costly process, requiring Mon and Ironsand to complete. We’d recommend only hunting the legendary gear you really need at first, as you’ll quickly accrue a chunk of equipment you can’t afford to level. If you’re not sure what to go after first, use our builds guide as a source of inspiration. Once you upgrade your Forge to level three, though, you’re free to collect to your heart’s content for the following reason…

Assassin's Creed Shadows gear upgrade: a piece of Legendary armor with a second engraving

Once you’ve leveled your Forge to level two at the Hideout, you’ll unlock the ability to engrave perks into your gear. These bonus modifiers range from extra crit chance, to bonus damage reduction from certain sources. Once you’ve found a legendary piece of gear, you’ll unlock the ability to apply its unique perk – even to other legendary gear – but only when your Forge has reached level three.

We’re still experimenting with combinations, but generally, we recommend engravings that accentuate the purpose of your gear. For example, affliction bonus engravings on weapons that apply poison. Legendary gear becomes even better with this system. In the example above, we’ve engraved Yasuke’s Samurai Daimyo Armor of Legend with the Protector’s Armor’s ability to parry unblockable attacks, effectively removing the threat of lethal melee blows. It should be noted that engravings can be overwritten at any time, so you’re free to switch it up as long as you have the cash to do so.

And that’s how to upgrade your gear in Assassin’s Creed Shadows. Marry your new legendary gear with certain AC Shadows skills to create the best AC Shadows builds that’ll make the challenging RPG adventure much more enjoyable. For more top-tier Shadows content, consult our extensive AC Shadows guides hub.


Muhammad Umair is a passionate content creator, web developer, and tech enthusiast. With years of experience in developing dynamic websites and curating engaging content, he specializes in delivering accurate, informative, and up-to-date articles across diverse topics. From gaming and technology to crypto and world news, Umair's expertise ensures a seamless blend of technical knowledge and captivating storytelling. When he's not writing or coding, he enjoys gaming and exploring the latest trends in the tech world.

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